
A Modern, contemporary design. Be first to check out our newly launched Suite 73A.
荣誉呈现具有时代感设计,首个集合神主牌位及骨灰灵位于一厅的新产品 Suite 77 迎芳阁

The royal suite features exquisite glass fronted niches, emulating the golden glamorous grace of imperial mausoleums from ancient times. The Royal Suite is indeed a classic for families to honour their esteemed ancestors, benefitting future generations with bliss and prosperity.

The modern columbarium is filled with vibrant artistic charm in an auspicious environment that ushers in prosperity.

Elegantly designed, the classic suite series share its resemblance with traditional design of columbarium found locally except, for its large walking corridors, comfy furniture, and its tranquil ambience. Classic Suite is the fusion of traditional design, affordability and utmost classiness.

The standard suite shares heavy resemblance with traditional columbarium. Coupled with spacious walkways and resting lounge, Standard Suite is one that gets the best of both worlds: Historic design and comfort space.
标准套房与传统骨灰阁非常相似。 标准套房与宽敞的走道和休息室相结合,是获得两全其美的享受:历史悠久的设计和舒适的空间。

Singapore’s first memorial hall built with natural daylight and the option of maisonette family niches. Suite 72 main design concept infuses white elements into the main design concept as it symbolises the flawless and perfection of life. White lotus is chosen as the main element of design, resembling the qualities of purity, elegance and grandeur.
新加坡第一座自然采光的纪念大厅以及复合式小家庭式的最佳选择。 迎辉阁将白色元素融入到主要设计理念中,因为它象征着生活的完美无瑕。 白色莲花被选为福位门板设计的主要元素,类似于纯洁,优雅和庄严的品质。

Specifically designed for those who are determined to remain together as a family, Suite 5B and 9A’s luxurious design and bold concept provides an exclusive, once in a lifetime opportunity to house generations of family under one roof. Family suite niche can retain urns ranging from eight, twelve, sixteen and twenty four.
家族阁顾名思义是为家族而设立的,更是稀有珍贵的商品。家族阁能带给购买人五代同堂难得的福气 – 生前能团聚一起,走后也能相互陪伴。家族阁各别有 8人式,12人式,16人式和24人式的塔位。因此,家族阁强调的是价值而非价格。

Ancestral Pedestal has been the very symbol of Chinese ancestral worship that dates back to the ancient Shang Dynasty. Ancestral Pedestal takes up the central position at the altar of any traditional Chinese home. It is a sacred item that connotes the virtue of filial piety. Ancestral Pedestal in Nirvana Memorial Garden are good alternatives for couples who do not have time to attend to the worship rituals at home.
几个世纪以来,华人一直秉持在家中供奉祖先牌位的习俗。祖先牌位供奉在家中重要区域,后代感念祖先功德,长久以来凝聚整个家族。 富贵山庄生命纪念馆深知华人敬祖思亲的传统美德,特别建造灵位纪念阁,供家属表达对祖先的孝道。纪念阁环境高雅,让后人在平和气氛下追思先人。

The evolution of time is changing the way we pay homage to our ancestors. In an effort to promote the beauty of saluting our ancestors, we offer thoughtful Pedestals which are placed in an elegant, air-conditioned hall, in the company of godliness for eternal memorial honouring while accommodating the modern lifestyle.

If you would like to know more details, please contact us by calling (+65)85356590 or (+65)93391826